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IR Spectrometer
Infrared Spectrometer
적외선 분광계
Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis
광학, Spectrum Scanning
Quick Scanning Infrared Spectrometer

Powerful Spectrum Scanning
Wave number range : 4000 to 600 cm-1 (2500.00 nm - 16666.67 nm)
Detector: 1 x 2mm DLTGS (Deuteriated L-Alanine Doped Triglycine Sulfate)
Sensitivity: 1V / milliwatt
Source: Nichrome wire-wound ceramic core
Power Consumption: 36W @ 1250K
Dimensions: 26.25" W x 15.25" D x 7.25" H
Weight: 60lbs.
Power: 115 / 230VAC, 50 /60Hz, 150 watts
Sample Compartment: 150mm square
Outputs: RS-232 and USB
Resolution: Nominally 4000cm-1 - 2000cm-1 <3cm-1 & 2000cm-1 - 600cm-1 <2cm-1

IR M530

IR M530

IR M530

IR M530
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